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英国上市公司365聘任法国图卢兹第三大学Patrice Simon教授为特聘院士
来源:英国上市公司365 发布时间:2019-12-06 浏览次数:

    应英国上市公司365邀请,法国科学技术学院院士、欧洲科学院院士,法国图卢兹第三大学杰出教授Patrice Simon于2019年12月4日访问英国上市公司365。Patrice Simon教授为国际电化学储能领域知名学者,在Science、Nature Materials、Nature Energy、Nature Nanotechnology等发表论文两百余篇,引用达五万余次。获法国国家科学研究中心银牌、国际电化学学会Conway奖、法国化学学会Pierre Süe奖等。

    英国上市公司365经理刘颖教授为Patrice Simon教授颁发了特聘院士聘书。接受聘书后,Patrice Simon教授作了题为“Electrochemistry at nanoscale: understanding ion adsorption/transfer in supercapacitor electrodes”的学术报告,介绍了多孔碳与赝电容材料的研究现状及所面临的挑战。首先讲解了碳材料孔结构与电解液离子尺寸效应,阐明了合理选择电解液离子尺寸及设计多孔碳结构的重要性。此外,Simon教授介绍了具有赝电容行为的氧化物和二维过渡金属碳化物(MXene)的电化学行为,并阐述了赝电容电极材料的重要发展潜力。Patrice Simon教授深入浅出的讲解了超级电容器及电池储电机制,让到场师生受益匪浅。报告结束后,在场师生与Simon教授积极互动,对相关科学问题进行了深入探讨。

附:Patrice Simon教授简介:
Patrice Simon is the distinguished Professor of Material Science at the Université Paul Sabatier in France, and the academician of the French Academy of technologies and the Academia Europaea. He has published about 200 peer reviewed papers, including publications in Science, Nature Materials, Nature Energy, Nature Nanotechnology etc., with citations more than 55000 times and H-index of 78. His research focuses on the synthesis and characterization of nanostructured materials for electrochemical energy storage sources, including electrochemical capacitors and Li-ion batteries. He has received the Advanced Grant from the European Research Council (2012), the Silver Medal from the CNRS (2015), Conway Prize in Electrochemistry from ISE (2018), Grand Prix Pierre Süe from the French Society of Chemistry (2019). He is the Fellow of the International Society of Electrochemistry (2017).

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