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来源:英国上市公司365admin 发布时间:2020-10-20 浏览次数:















[1] Ruyi Ji, Kai Zhu, Haicheng Zhang, Hengjun Luo, Jian Mao*, Microstructure evolution, mechanical response and strengthening models for TA15 titanium alloy during thermal processes: A brief review, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Volume 28, January–February 2024, Pages:1644-1656.

[2] Guodong Niu, Zhongming Zhuo, Jian Mao*, Inclined θ′ precipitates with terraced Cu/Mn-rich multilayers in Al–Cu alloys, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Volume 30, May–June 2024, Pages 424-430.

[3] Fei Wang, Jian Mao*, Yan Zhao*, Crystal Engineering of Silica Anode Achieving Intrinsic Zero-Strain, Advanced Materials, 2023, 35(51):2307908.

[4] Fei Wang, Jian Mao*, 2D TaSe2 as a zero-strain and high-performance anode material for Li+ storage, Materials Horizons, 2023, 105, 1780 - 1788.

[5] Guodong NiuJianfeng WangJinwen YeJian Mao*, Enhancing Fe content tolerance in A356 alloys for achieving low carbon footprint aluminum structure castings, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2023,161:180-191.

[6] Guodong Niu, Langjie Zhu, Wangrui Ren, Yu Wang, Houwen Chen, Jianfeng Wang, Jian Mao*, Elevated temperature microstructural stability in Al-7Cu-0.5Mn-0.2Zr alloys through Ce addition: Enhanced coherent interfacial stability of cu-rich θ’/α-Al interface, Materials Characterization, Volume 200, June 2023, 112908.

[7] Xinlin Wei, Fei Wang#, Jie Tao* and Jian Mao*, Facet-dependence of Fe3O4 for enhancing osteogenic differentiation of BMSCs, Chemical Communications, 2023, 59, 6742 – 6744.

[8] Dan Li, Fei Wang and Jian Mao*, Surface-Reconstructed Copper Foil Free-Standing Electrode with Nanoflower Cu/Ce2O3 by In Situ Electrodeposition Reduction for Electrocatalytic Nitrate Reduction to Ammonia, Inorganic Chemistry, 2023, 62, 40, 16283–16287.

[9] Fei Wang, Xiaoyue Liu, and Jian Mao*, Dynamic Regulation Achieving High-Performance La-Containing Prussian Blue Analogues for Aqueous K+ Storage, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023,15(48):55848-55855.

[10] Guodong Niu, Jeff Wang, Jinping Li, JinwenYe, Jian Mao*, The formation mechanism of the chill fine-grain layer with high supersaturation and its influence on the mechanical properties of die casting Al-7Si-0.5Mg alloy, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2022,833:142544.



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