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来源:英国上市公司365 发布时间:2020-07-23 浏览次数:



主要研究高性能热电材料的纳米化合成及表征、高性能室温热电器件及热电传感器。至今在Advanced Materials, Advanced Energy Materials,Nano Today, Nano Energy,Advanced Functional Materials,Nano Letters,ACS Nano,Nature Communications,Journal of the American Chemical Society,Journal of Materials Chemistry A,Chemical Engineering Journal, Acta Materialia,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces等高水平期刊上发表论文超120篇,引用超过8000次, H-index为42。


电子邮箱: lyang1986@scu.edu.cn

研究方向:热电材料及室温热电器件, 热电微器件及传感器,纳米功能材料


1.Jiamin Zhou, Shengduo Xu,* Yi Shuai, Qiang Sun, Huangshui Ma, Chao Wang, Haijuan Wu, Shanshan Tan, Zegao Wang, Lei Yang*, Decipher the Wavelength and Intensity Using Photothermoelectric Detectors. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2024, 16, 36, 47923–47930.

2.Huangshui Ma, Shiyu Pu, Hao Wu, Shiyu Jia, Jiamin Zhou, Hao Wang, Wangta Ma, Zegao Wang, Lei Yang*, and Qiang Sun*. Flexible Ag2Se Thermoelectric Films Enable the Multifunctional Thermal Perception in Electronic Skins. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2024, 16, 6, 7453–7462.

3.Yi-Yan Liao, Qiang Sun*, Xu-Ping Jiang, Hao Wu, Bang-Zhou Tian, Ze-Gao Wang, Kun Zheng, Lei Yang*. Constructing Cell-Membrane-Mimic Grain Boundaries for High-performance n-type Ag2Se using High-dielectric-constant TiO2. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2024, 179, 138-144.

4.Zheng-Dong Shui, Shaoyuan Wang, Zhihao Yang, Dong Wang, Bang-Zhou Tian, Siyuan Luo, Zegao Wang*, Lei Yang*. Polarization-sensitive self-powered tellurium microwire near-infrared photodetector. Applied Physics Letters, 2023, 122, 101902.

5.Hua-Lei Yuan, Kaiwen Wang, Hanwen Hu, Lei Yang*, Jie Chen, Kun Zheng*. Atomic-Scale Observation of Grain Boundary Dominated Unsynchronized Phase Transition in Polycrystalline Cu2Se. Advanced Materials, 2022, 2205715.

6.Deyu Bao, Qiang Sun, Linsen Huang, Jie Chen, Jun Tang, Dali Zhou*, Min Hong, Lei Yang*, Zhi-Gang Chen. Thermoelectric performance of p-type (Bi,Sb)2Te3 incorporating amorphous Sb2S3 nanospheres. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 430, 132738.

7.Bang-Zhou Tian, Jie Chen, Xu-Ping Jiang, Jun Tang, Da-Li Zhou, Qiang Sun*, Lei Yang*, Zhi-Gang Chen. Enhanced thermoelectric performance of SnTe-Based materials via interface engineering. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13, 42, 50057–50064.

8.Jie Chen, Qiang Sun, Deyu Bao, Bang-Zhou Tian, Zegao Wang, Jun Tang, Dali Zhou*, Lei Yang*, Zhi-Gang Chen. Simultaneously enhanced strength and plasticity of Ag2Se-based thermoelectric materials endowed by nano-twinned CuAgSe secondary phase. Acta Materialia, 2021, 220, 117335.

9.Xu-Ping Jiang, Bang-Zhou Tian, Qiang Sun, Xu-Liang Li, Jie Chen, Jun Tang, Ping Zhang*, Lei Yang*, Zhi-Gang Chen. Enhanced thermoelectric performance in MXene/SnTe nanocomposites synthesized via a facile one-step solvothermal method. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2021, 304, 122605.

10.Jie Chen, Hualei Yuan, Yu-Ke Zhu, Kun Zheng, Zhen-Hua Ge, Jun Tang, Dali Zhou*, Lei Yang*, and Zhi-Gang Chen. Ternary Ag2Se1–xTex: a near-room-temperature thermoelectric material with a potentially high figure of merit. Inorganic Chemistry, 2021, 60, 14165–14173.

11.Bang-Zhou Tian, Xu-Ping Jiang, Jie Chen, Han Gao, Ze-Gao Wang, Jun Tang, Da-Li Zhou, Lei Yang*, Zhi-Gang Chen*. Low lattice thermal conductivity and enhanced thermoelectric performance of SnTe via chemical electroless plating of Ag. Rare Metals, 2022, 41, 86–95.

12.Jie Chen, Deyu Bao, Qiang Sun, Wei-Di Liu, Can Liu, Jun Tang, Lei Yang*, Dali Zhou*, Matthew S. Dargusch, Zhi-Gang Chen. Simultaneously optimized thermoelectric performance of n-type Cu2Se alloyed Bi2Te3. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2021, 296, 121987.

13.Jie Chen, Qiang Sun, Deyu Bao, Taoyi Liu, Wei-Di Liu, Can Liu, Jun Tang, Dali Zhou, Lei Yang,* Zhi-Gang Chen. Hierarchical structures advance thermoelectric properties of porous n-type β-Ag2Se. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 46, 51523-51529.

14.Taoyi Liu, Jie Chen, Meng Li, Guang Han, Can Liu, Dali Zhou*, Jin Zou, Zhi-Gang Chen, Lei Yang*. Achieving enhanced thermoelectric performance of Ca1-x-yLaxSryMnO3 via synergistic carrier concentration optimization and chemical bond engineering. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 408, 127364.

15.Wei-Di Liu; Lei Yang*; Zhi-Gang Chen*. Cu2Se thermoelectrics: property, methodology, and device. Nano Today, 2020, 35, 100938.

16.Licheng Zhao; Ping Zhang*; Yanan Zhang; Zhi Zhang; Lei Yang*; Zhi-Gang Chen. Facile Synthesis of Hierarchical Ni3Se2 Nanodendrite Arrays for Supercapacitors, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2020, 54, 69-76. (Front cover)

17.Deyu Bao; Jie Chen; Yuan Yu; Weidi Liu; Linsen Huang; Guang Han; Jun Tang; Dali Zhou*; Lei Yang*; Zhi-Gang Chen*. Texture-dependent thermoelectric properties of nano-structured Bi2Te3. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 388, 124295. (Highly cited)

18.Taoyi Liu; Deyu Bao; Yuan Wang; Han Gao; Dali Zhou*; Guang Han; Jun Tang; Zhong-Yue Huang; Lei Yang*; Zhi-Gang Chen. Exploring thermoelectric performance of Ca3Co4O9+δ ceramics via chemical electroless plating with Cu. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 821, 152522.

19.Wang-Wei Liao; Lei Yang*; Jie Chen; Da-Li Zhou*; Xian-lin Qu; Kun Zheng; Guang Han; Jia-Bei Zhou; Min Hong; Zhi-Gang Chen*. Realizing Bi-doped α-Cu2Se as a Promising Near-Room-Temperature Thermoelectric Material. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 371, 593-599.

20.Yuan Wang; Lei Yang; Xiaolei Shi; Xun Shi; Lidong Chen; Matthew S. Dargusch; Jin Zou; Zhi-Gang Chen*. Flexible Thermoelectric Materials and Generators: Challenges and Innovations. Advanced Materials, 2019, 31, 1807916.

21.Wei-Di Liu; Lei Yang; Zhi-Gang Chen*, Jin Zou*. Promising and EcoFriendly Cu2X-Based Thermoelectric Materials: Progress and Applications. Advanced Materials 2020, 32, 1905703.

22.Zhong-Yue Huang; He Zhang; Lei Yang*; Bin Zhu; Kun Zheng; Min Hong; Yuan Yu; FQ Zu*; Jin Zou; Zhi-Gang Chen*. Achieving high thermoelectric performance of Ni/Cu modified Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 composites by a facile electroless plating. Materials Today Energy, 2018,9, 383-390.

23.Yang, L.; Chen, Z.-G.; Dargusch, M.; Zou, J. High Performance Thermoelectric Materials: Progress and Their Applications. Advanced Energy Materials, 2017,1701797. (Highly Cited)

24.Yang, L.; Chen, Z.-G.; Hong, M.; Wang, L.; Kong, D.; Huang, L.; Han, G.; Zou, Y.; Dargusch, M.; Zou, J., n-type Bi-doped PbTe nanocubes with enhanced thermoelectric performance. Nano Energy, 2017, 31, 105-112.

25.Yang, L.; Chen, Z. G.; Han, G.; Hong, M.; Huang, L.; Zou, J., Te-doped Cu2Se nanoplates with high average thermoelectric figure of merit. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4, 9213-9219.

26.Yang, L.; Chen, Z.-G.; Han, G.; Hong, M.; Zou, J., Impacts of Cu deficiency on the thermoelectric properties of Cu2−XSe nanoplates. Acta Materialia, 2016,113, 140-146.


1.Lei Yang; Zhi-Gang Chen; Jin Zou. Chapter 1-High-Performance Thermoelectric Materials for Solar Energy Application. In Emerging Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage, Kuan Yew Cheong, Giuliana Impellizzeri, Mariana Amorim Fraga, Eds. Elsevier: 2018; pp 3-38. (ISBN 9780128137949)

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