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                        (导师:傅恒志 院士,陈瑞润 教授)

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          2017  国家重点实验室开放基金(重点,主持)

          2015  国家自然科学基金(青年,主持)














    7、《China Foundry》(SCI)青年编委

    8、《SCIENCE CHINA Materials》(SCI)青年编委




[1]  Z.D. Liu, J.R. Yang*, B. Peng, J.W. Ye, Y. Liu, Z.X. Du, R.R. Chen. Challenges related to elevated temperature during creep in a PM-HIP Ti-6Al-4 V alloy: The role of <a> dislocations and pyramidal <c+a> dislocations. Journal of Materials Science & Technology. 2025, 213: 252-267.

[2]  Z.D. Liu, J.R. Yang*, Y.L. Ma, J.W. Ye, Y. Liu. The impact of directional annealing on the microstructure and 900 oC tensile properties of γ-TiAl alloy, Intermetallics. 2025, 179: 108648.

[3]  马云路, 杨劼人*, 刘泽栋, 陈瑞润. TiAl金属间化合物定向技术研究进展, 材料导报. 2024, 38(15): 29-40. (特邀)

[4]  Y.L. Ma, J.R. Yang*, Z.D. Liu, R.R. Chen. Deformation behavior of PST-TiAl bicrystals at 800 °C, Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2024, 915: 147267.

[5]  Y.L. Ma, J.R. Yang*, Z.D. Liu, C. Rong, L. Zhou, Y. Liu. Directional heat treatment technique to prepare columnar grains in a TiAl alloy: Microstructure evolution and deformation behavior, Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2024, 330: 118462.

[6]  X. Liu, Y. Wang, X.L. Zhao, J.R. Yang*, L. Zhou, N. Jin, Y. Liu, R.R. Chen. Numerical and experimental study of directional annealing to prepare columnar grains of TiAl alloy, Materials Today Communications. 2024, 38: 108467.

[7]  C. Rong, J.R. Yang*, X.L. Zhao, K. Huang, Y. Liu, X.H. Wang, D.D. Zhu, R.R. Chen. Microstructure recrystallization and mechanical properties of a cold-rolled TiNbZrTaHf refractory high-entropy alloy, Acta Metallurgica Sinica-English Letters. 2024, 37(4): 633-647.

[8]  X.L. Zhao, J.R. Yang*, Z.D. Liu, F.Y. Meng, R.R. Chen. Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of vanadium-bearing Ti-22Al-26Nb alloys obtained by controlled cooling from a single B2 region, Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2024, 29: 1118-1130.

[9]  L. Zhou, J.R. Yang*, Y.L. Ma, Z.D. Liu, R.R. Chen. Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of Ti43Al alloy by directional annealing. China Foundry, 2024.

[10]  沙逢源, 荣川, 杨劼人*, 刘颖, 邢辉, 李志强. Ti-48Al-3Nb-2V-(Nd,Pr)合金显微组织演化规律与结构调控, 内蒙古工业大学学报(自然科学版). 2024, 43(05): 443-452. (特邀)

[11]  Z.D. Liu, J.R. Yang*, X.L. Zhao, R.R. Chen. Heterostructure manipulation of Ti2AlNb alloy through directional induction heating: investigation of multi-scale deformation mechanisms in the O phase, International Journal of Plasticity. 2023, 171: 103830.

[12]  刘泽栋, 杨劼人*, 陈瑞润, 杜赵新. Ti2AlNb基金属间化合物:研究进展、挑战及展望. 中国有色金属学报, 2023, 33(12): 4039-4058.

[13]  杨劼人*. β凝固TiAl合金β/B2相演变行为及控制研究进展. 铸造技术. 2022, 43(4): 237-244.(特邀)

[14]  J.R. Yang*, X.Y. Wang, C.L. Dong, H.Z. Fu. Thermomechanical instability and deformation behavior of βo(ω) phase region in a Ti-43Al-8Nb-0.2W-0.2B alloy under high-temperature rotary-bending fatigue. International Journal of Fatigue. 2022, 163: 106933.

[15]  杨劼人*, 张小干,曹蓓,高子彤,胡锐,陈瑞润. TiAl合金冷却相变研究进展及细晶组织调控. 特种铸造及有色合金. 2021, 41(2): 142-146. (特邀)

[16]  杨劼人*, 张立腾, 高子彤, 胡锐. 晶界迁移研究进展及其在TiAl合金中的原位分析. 稀有金属材料与工程. 2021, 2: 699-708.

[17]  J.R. Yang*, Z.T. Gao, Y.F. Liang, Y.L. Wu, J.G. Li, R. Hu. Microstructure refinement assisted by α-recrystallization in a peritectic TiAl alloy. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2021, 11: 1135-1141.

[18]  X.Y Wang, J.R. Yang*, H. Rui, H.Z. Fu. Creep-induced phase instability and microstructure evolution of a nearly lamellar Ti-45Al-8.5Nb-(W, B, Y) alloy. Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters). 2020, 33(12), 1591-1600. (封面)

[19]  J.R. Yang*, Z.T. Gao, X.G. Zhang, R Hu. Continuous-cooling-transformation (CCT) behaviors and fine-grained nearly lamellar (FGNL) microstructure formation in a cast Ti-48Al-4Nb-2Cr alloy. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 2020, 51(10): 5285-5295.

[20]  Z.T. Gao, J.R. Yang*, Y.L. Wu, R. Hu, S-L. Kim*, Y-W. Kim. A newly generated nearly lamellar microstructure in cast Ti-48Al-2Nb-2Cr alloy for high temperature strengthening. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 2019, 50A: 5839-5852.

[21]  高子彤, 胡锐, 吴与伦, 杨劼人*. TiAl基合金片层结构粗化行为研究进展. 稀有金属材料与工程. 2019, 48(9): 3071-3080.

[22]  J.R. Yang, R.R. Chen*, Y.Q. Su, H.S. Ding, J.J. Guo, H.Z. Fu. Optimization of electromagnetic energy in cold crucible used for directional solidification of TiAl alloy. Energy. 2018, 161: 143-155.



[1]  J.Q. Wu, R. Hu, J.R. Yang*, B. Gan, G.L. Luo, Y. Liu, X.M. Luo. Molecular dynamics simulation and micropillar compression of deformation behavior in iridium single crystals. Rare Metals. 2023, 42(10): 3510-3517.

[2]  J.R. Yang*, X. Fang, Y. Liu, Z.T. Gao, M. Wen, R. Hu. Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of a novel γ′ phase-strengthened Ir-W-Al-Th superalloy. Rare Metals. 2021, 40(12), 3588-3597.

[3]  方晓,杨劼人*,刘毅,闻明,胡锐. Ta元素对新型γ+γ’双相Ir高温合金显微组织和力学性能的影响. 稀有金属材料与工程. 2020, 49(10): 3620-3626.

[4]  X. Fang, R. Hu, J.R. Yang*, Y. Liu, M. Wen. Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of novel γ/γ' two-phase strengthened Ir-based superalloys. Metals. 2019, 9: 1171.

[5]  J.R. Yang, H. Wang, R. Hu*, F. Zhang, S.M. Li, Y. Liu, X.M. Luo. Atomistic simulation of the orientation-dependent tension deformation behavior of single crystal Iridium. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering. 2019, 48(5): 1380-1385.

[6]  J.R. Yang, H. Wang, R. Hu*, S.M. Li, Y. Liu, X.M. Luo. Anomalous tensile strength and fracture behaviour of polycrystalline Iridium from room temperature to 1600 oC. Advanced Engineering Materials.2018, 20(7): 1701114.

[7]  一种制备铱单晶的方法(CN 106968013 B. 2019.01.18.

[8]  一种核电池透气窗用多孔铱透气片的制备方法(CN 108788128 B. 2020.04.03.

[9]  一种核电池透气窗用多孔铂透气片的制备方法(CN 108817403 B. 2020.04.03.


[1]    J.R. Yang*, Y.L. Wu, R. Hu, Z.T. Gao. Fabrication and microstructure optimization of TiAl castings using a combined melting/pouring/heat treatment device. International Journal of Metalcasting.2021, 15(3): 890-898.

[2]    X.Y. Wang, J.R. Yang*, K.R. Zhang, R. Hu, L. Song, H.Z. Fu. An ultra-refining microstructure in rapidly solidified Ti–45Al-8.5Nb-(W, B, Y) alloy after an isothermal heat treatment. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2020, 827: 1-10.

[3]    J.R. Yang*, H. Wang, Y.L. Wu, X.Y. Wang, R. Hu. A Combined Electromagnetic Levitation Melting, Counter-Gravity Casting, and Mold Preheating Furnace for Producing TiAl Alloy. Advanced Engineering Materials.2018, 20(2): 1700526.

[4]    J.R. Yang*, H. Wang, B.Q. Wang, R. Hu, Y. Liu, X.M. Luo. Numerical and experimental study of electron beam floating zone melting of Iridium single crystal. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2017, 250: 239-246.

[5]    J.R. Yang*, X.Y. Wang, B. Cao, Y.L. Wu, K.R. Zhang, R. Hu. Tailoring the microstructure of a beta-solidifying TiAl alloy by controlled post-solidification isothermal holding and cooling. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 2017, 48(10): 5095-5105.

[6]    J.R. Yang*, R.R. Chen, J.J. Guo, H.Z. Fu. Temperature distribution in bottomless electromagnetic cold crucible applied to directional solidification. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2016, 100: 131-138.

[7]    一种初始凝固相为α相的多取向片层组织TiAl合金及其制备方法和应用(CN 113981273 B. 2022.05.27.

[8]    一种初始凝固相为β相的多取向片层组织TiAl合金及其制备方法和应用(CN 114000076 B. 2022.05.27.

[9]    一种包晶凝固铸态TiAl合金细晶组织调控方法(CN 113481444 B. 2022.04.08.

[10]  一种控制TiAl合金细晶组织的形变热处理方法(CN 112048690B. 2021.12.17.

[11]  一种高效率电热转换的熔化与电磁约束成形系统(CN 104209483 B. 2017.01.18.

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