副教授 硕士生导师
杨晓娇,法国里昂大学博士,英国上市公司365副教授,硕士生导师。主要从事稀土钒钛纳米功能材料的研制及应用研究。主持国家自然科学基金(青年科学基金)项目、四川省重大科技专项项目、四川省重点研发项目、中央高校基本科研业务费专项和校地合作项目等,作为主研人员参加法国-澳洲国家科学研究基金项目、国家重点研发计划项目、四川省重大科技专项项目、四川省攀西战略资源创新开发试验区重大科技攻关项目等;在Sensors & Actuators B: Chemical,RSC Advances,Rare Metals,Materials Letters,Journal of Nanoparticle Research等国内外学术期刊发表SCI论文二十余篇,申请国家发明专利四件,已获授权一件;现为中国金属学会会员、中国微纳米协会会员,并担任RSC Advances、Materials Research Bulletin和Journal of Physics Energy等国际SCI期刊的审稿人;现为成都欧美同学会留法分会副会长、法国英国上市公司365员工会理事等;获四川省金属学会冶金先进青年科技工作者、先进学会工作者等称号。
1. 稀土钒钛纳米功能材料的制备及应用
2. 纳米功能材料的结构设计及电化学、催化性能的研究
3. 新型纳米功能材料及器件在能源、环境等领域的应用
2012.10-2016.01 法国里昂大学 材料化学 工学博士
2009.09-2012.07 英国上市公司365 纳米材料与纳米技术 工学硕士
2005.09-2009.07 英国上市公司365 冶金工程 工学学士
2020.10-至今 英国上市公司365 英国上市公司365 副教授/硕导
2019.06-2020.09 英国上市公司365 英国上市公司365 副研究员(专职科研)
2016.06-2019.05 英国上市公司365 英国上市公司365 助理研究员
2014.11-2014.12 澳洲新南威尔士大学 化学与工程学院SIMPAS实验室 访问学者
[1] Xiaojiao Yang, Vincent Salles, Yusuf Valentino Kaneti, Minsu Liu, Mathieu Maillard, Catherine Journet, Xuchuan Jiang, Arnaud Brioude*, Fabrication of highly sensitive gas sensor based on Au functionalized WO3 composite nanofibers by electrospinning, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2015, 220:1112-1119.
[2] Xiaojiao Yang, Xuelian Wu, Jun Li, Ying Liu*, TiO2–Au composite nanofibers for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution, RSC Advances, 2019,9:29097-29104.
[3] Xiaojiao Yang, Vincent Salles, Mathieu Maillard, Yusuf Valentino Kaneti, Minsu Liu, Catherine Journet, Xuchuan Jiang, Ying Liu*, Arnaud Brioude*, Fabrication of Au functionalized TiO2 nanofibers for photocatalytic application, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2019,21:160.
[4] Xiaojiao Yang, Jun LI, Ying LIU*. Fabrication and In–situ Thermal Reduction of Gold Nanofibers, Science of Advanced Materials, 2020, 12: 1109-1115.
[5] Xiaojiao Yang, Ying Liu*, Jun Li, Yuliang Zhang, Effects of Calcination Temperature on Morphology and Structure of CeO2 Nanofibers and their Photocatalytic Activity, Materials Letters,2019, 241:76–79.
[6] Jie Tang, Ying Liu, Jinwen Ye, Zhinan Cao, Shiqing Ma, Xiaojiao Yang*, Microstructure and mechanical properties improvements of cemented carbides by (Cr,Mo,Ta)2(C,N) inhibitors, Rare Metals, 2021,40(3): 679-686.
[7] Yuemao Liu, Ying Liu, Xiaolei Li, Tingchuan Zhou, Xiaojiao Yang*, Balance thermal conductivity and thermal expansion in RGO/Cu composites through alignment engineering, Materials Research Express, 2019,6:095613.
[8] Huaying Ran, Ying Liu, Jinwen Ye, Xuguang An, Xun Li, Xiaojiao Yang*, Al2O3 aerogel coating modified TiH2 to enhance the mechanical properties of aluminum foam, Materials Research Express, 2019,6:076543.
[9] Guangrui Wang, Ying Liu*, Jinwen Ye, Xiaojiao Yang, Zifeng Lin. Formation mechanism of Ti4O7 phase prepared by carbothermal reduction reaction, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2020, 103:3871-3879.
[10] Guangrui Wang, Ying Liu*, Jinwen Ye, Zifeng Lin, Xiaojiao Yang. Electrochemical oxidation of methyl orange by a Magneli phase Ti4O7 anode, Chemosphere, 2020, 241, 125084.
[11] Zhengzhuo Xiong, Jinwen Ye*, Ying Liu, Xiaojiao Yang, Qian Cao. Study on the phase evolution, microstructure and densifcation behavior of (Ti,M)(C,N)-based cermets, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2020, 240, 122249.
[12] Jinghua Pang, Ying Liu*, Jun Li, Xiaojiao Yang, Solvothermal synthesis of nano-CeO2 aggregates and its application as a high-efficient arsenic adsorbent, Rare Metals, 2019,38(1):73-80.