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来源:英国上市公司365 发布时间:2021-09-13 浏览次数:


张和民,英国上市公司365特聘研究员、博士生导师。2012年毕业于中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院,获材料物理与化学专业工学博士学位(导师梁长浩);2012–2021年先后在日本物质材料研究机构(NIMS,合作导师Kazuya Terabe)和韩国蔚山科学技术院(UNIST,合作导师Jae Sung Lee)作为博士后和研究助理教授开展工作,并协助指导博/硕士研究生;2021年入职英国上市公司365,长期致力于太阳能光电催化材料和非贵金属辅助催化剂的设计与开发(特别是大面积光电极),以及相关光电催化反应机理的研究;以第一通讯作者已在Nat. Commun., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Acc. Chem. Res., Nano Lett., Adv. Funct. Mater., Nano Energy, ACS Catal., Appl. Catal., B等国际著名期刊发表论文20多篇,受邀在国际/国内学术会议做邀请报告20余次,获授权国家发明专利10余项,主持国家自然科学基金——青年项目和面上项目,四川省科技厅——重点研发项目和科技创新人才项目,以及中央高校科研业务费等,并担任《石油化工高等学校学报》编委会委员;受邀评审国家自然科学基金、广西/四川科技厅基金等。











1.Chenyang Xu; Hongxin Wang; Hongying Guo; Ke Liang; Yuanming Zhang; Weicong Li; Junze Chen*; Jae Sung Lee*; Hemin Zhang*; Parallel multi-stacked photoanodes of Sb-doped p–n homojunction hematite with near-theoretical solar conversion efficiency. Nature Communications 2024, 15, 9712.

2.Lei Yang; Liping Zhang; Ye Li; Byoung-Hoon Lee; Jiheon Kim; Hyeon Seok Lee; Jinsol Bok; Yanbo Ma; Wansheng Zhou; Du Yuan; An-Liang Wang; Megalamane S. Bootharaju; Hemin Zhang*; Taeghwan Hyeon*; Junze Chen*; Cation Exchange in Colloidal Transition Metal Nitride Nanocrystals. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2024, 146, 12556-12564.

3.Chenyang Xu; Hongxin Wang; Ke Liang; Yuanming Zhang; Weicong Li; Hemin Zhang*; Inducing hollow and porous hematite nanorod photoanodes by rare earth and transition metal doping for enhanced solar water splitting. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2024, 12, 11831-11840.

4.Weicong Li; Hongying Guo; Chenyang Xu; Chenke Tang; Jae Sung Lee*; Hemin Zhang*; Hole storage overlayer of amorphous hafnium oxide for boosting hematite-based solar water splitting. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2024, 342, 123465.

5.  Kyoungwoong Kang#; Chenke Tang#; Jeong Hun Kim; Woo Jin Byun; Jin Ho Lee; Min Hee Lee; Hemin Zhang*; Jae Sung Lee*; In situ construction of Ta:Fe2O3@CaFe2O4 core–shell nanorod p–t–n heterojunction photoanodes for efficient and robust solar water oxidation. ACS Catalysis 2023, 13, 7002-7012.

6.  Dongfeng Li; Ruifang Wei; Heng Yin; Hemin Zhang; Xiuli Wang*; Can Li*; Dynamic charge collecting mechanisms of cobalt phosphate on hematite photoanodes studied by photoinduced absorption spectroscopy. Chemical Science 2023, 14, 1861-1870.

7.  Hyo Eun Kim; Jeehye Kim; Eun Cheol Ra; Hemin Zhang*; Youn Jeong Jang*; Jae Sung Lee*; Photoelectrochemical Nitrate Reduction to Ammonia on Ordered Silicon Nanowire Array Photocathodes. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2022, 61, e202204117.

8.  Kyoungwoong Kang; Hemin Zhang*; Jeong Hun Kim; Woo Jin Byun; Jae Sung Lee*; An in situ fluorine and ex situ titanium two-step co-doping strategy for efficient solar water splitting by hematite photoanodes. Nanoscale Advances 2022, 4, 1659-1667.

9.  Hemin Zhang*; Chang Won Ahn; Jin Yong Park; Jung-Woo Ok; Ji Yeong Sung; Jong Sung Jin; Hyun Gyu Kim*; Jae Sung Lee*; Healing Ion-Implanted Semiconductors by Hybrid Microwave Annealing: Activation of Nitrogen-Implanted TiO2. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2022, 13, 3878-3885.

10.  Hemin Zhang#; Dongfeng Li#; Woo Jin Byun; Xiuli Wang*; Tae Joo Shin; Hu Young Jeong*; Hongxian Han; Can Li; Jae Sung Lee*; Gradient tantalum-doped hematite homojunction photoanode improves both photocurrents and turn-on voltage for solar water splitting. Nature Communications 2020, 11, 4622.

11.  Su-Yun Zhang#; Han Miao#; Hemin Zhang#; Jun-Hao Zhou; Qiang Zhuang; Yu-jia Zeng; Zhimin Gao; Jiayin Yuan*; Jian-Ke Sun*; Accelerating  Crystallization of Open Organic Materials by Poly(ionic liquid)s. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2020, 59, 22109-22116.

12.  Hemin Zhang*; Jae Sung Lee*; Hybrid microwave annealing synthesizes highly crystalline nanostructures for (photo)electrocatalytic water splitting. Accounts of Chemical Research 2019, 52, 3132-3142.

13.  Hemin Zhang; Jong Hyun Park; Woo Jin Byun; Myoung Hoon Song; Jae Sung Lee*; Activating the surface and bulk of hematite photoanodes to improve solar water splitting. Chemical Science 2019, 10, 10436-10444.

14.  Hemin Zhang; Sung O. Park; Se Hun Joo; Jin Hyun Kim; Sang Kyu Kwak*; Jae Sung Lee*; Precisely-controlled, a few layers of iron titanate inverse opal structure for enhanced photoelectrochemical water splitting. Nano Energy 2019, 62, 20-29.

15.  Hemin Zhang; Woo Yeong Noh; Feng Li; Jin Hyun Kim; Hu Young Jeong; Jae Sung Lee*; Three birds, one-stone strategy for hybrid microwave synthesis of Ta and Sn codoped Fe2O3@FeTaO4 nanorods for photo-electrochemical water oxidation. Advanced Functional Materials 2019, 29, 1805737.

16.  Hemin Zhang; Young Kyeong Kim; Hu Young Jeong; Jae Sung Lee*; A few atomic FeNbO4 overlayers on hematite nanorods: microwave-induced high temperature phase for efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting. ACS Catalysis 2019, 9, 1289-1297.

17.  Hemin Zhang; Ju Hun Kim; Jin Hyun Kim; Jae Sung Lee*; Engineering highly ordered iron titanate nanotube array photoanodes for enhanced solar water splitting activity. Advanced Functional Materials 2017, 27, 1702428

18.  Hemin Zhang*; Jun Liu; Zhenfei Tian; Yixing Ye; Yunyu Cai; Changhao Liang*; Kazuya Terabe; A general strategy toward transition metal carbide/carbon core/shell nanospheres and their application for supercapacitor electrode. Carbon 2016, 100, 590-599.

19.  Hemin Zhang*; Takashi Tsuchiya; Changhao Liang; Kazuya Terabe*; Size-Controlled AgI/Ag Heteronanowires in Highly Ordered Alumina Membranes: Superionic Phase Stabilization and Conductivity. Nano Letters 2015, 15, 5161-5167.

20.  Hemin Zhang; Changhao Liang*; Jun Liu; Zhenfei Tian; Guosheng Shao; The formation of onion-like carbon-encapsulated cobalt carbide core/shell nanoparticles by the laser ablation of metallic cobalt in acetone. Carbon 2013, 55, 108-115.



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