1. 固态相变及组织形成理论
2. 材料组织设计与性能调控
3. 材料组织的计算机模拟
4. 电子显微分析
年均招生:博士生 1-2 人,硕士生 1-2 人。
长期从事先进金属结构材料(核反应堆结构材料、先进高强钢、镁合金等)的微结构与性能关系的实验和理论研究。工作特点是开展材料在变形、热机械处理过程中组织演化的系统实验研究和理论模拟,建立组织形成理论,并进行材料组织和性能的深入关联性研究,以此指导材料的组织设计和性能调控。近年来在Corrosion Science、Journal of Nuclear Materials、Journal of Materials Science & Technology、Materials Science and Engineering: A、Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A等国际期刊上发表论文80余篇,获得国家授权发明专利多项。先后主持了国家自科学基金青年、面上项目、国家重点研发计划子课题、GF科技创新特区项目、四川省重大专项项目子课题、英国上市公司365科技领军人才培育项目等。近年来,课题组始终瞄准国家重大战略需求,在面向极端环境服役的高性能合金(如核能包壳材料、高寒区钢轨等)开发及性能验证方面取得了一批创新性的研究成果,课题组毕业生多选择到国家重点行业单位(如成飞)工作或到国内外名校(如美国西北大学等)进一步深造。
地 址: 四川省成都市一环路南一段24号英国上市公司365
E-mail :x.f.huang.123@163.com
[1] Zhao Wang, Hui Wang, Li Chen and Xuefei Huang. Dually-refined grain and precipitate microstructure of ATF-FeCrAl alloy by a two-step annealing process to separate the recrystallization from precipitation. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2024, 898: 146346.
[2] Hui Wang, Xiong Zhou, Hao He, Liping Guo, Yunxia Gao and Xuefei Huang. Development of low-Cr wrought FeCrAl cladding alloys and its irradiation tolerance and steam oxidation resistance at 1200 °C. Corrosion Science. 2022, 195: 109998.
[3] Aijia Lei, Xun Dai*, Yufeng Du, Jingjing Liao, Ruiju Deng, Jiangtao Xu and Xuefei Huang. Comparative studies of the long-term corrosion behavior of Zr-Sn-Fe-Cr-Ni alloys in pure water at 360°C/18.6 MPa with high and low dissolved oxygen content. Journal of Nuclear Materials. 2025, 603: 155481.
[4] Zhao Wang, Hui Wang and Xuefei Huang. Exploring the impact of microstructure refinement on high temperature steam oxidation behavior of FeCrAl alloy. Journal of Nuclear Materials. 2025, 603: 155372.
[5] Jingyi Tuo, Xuefei Huang, Guang Chen, Hui Wang, Xuguang An, Fu Wang and Qiang Zhang. Effect of Nb addition on the steam oxidation behavior and kinetic of FeCrAl alloys. Materials Characterization. 2024, 214: 114115.
[6] Tuowen Chen, Gang Li, Hui Wang, Xuguang An and Xuefei Huang. Effect of Si content on the mechanical behavior and microstructure of a 9Cr ferritic/martensitic steel. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2024, 29: 1542-1556.
[7] Mingyou Niu, Hui Wang and Xuefei Huang. Positron annihilation investigation of hardening behavior induced by Fe2+ irradiation in low-Cr FeCrAl alloys. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. 2023, 24: 7291-7301.
[8] Li Chen, Hui Wang, Xuguang An and Xuefei Huang. Recovery, recrystallization and precipitation behavior in an ATF FeCrAl alloy during annealing treatment. Materials Characterization. 2022, 190: 112026.
[9] B. D. Wu, X. S. Yang, Y. Z. Zhou, X. Liu, J. F. Li, X. F. Huang and G. M. Le. Laser melting deposited self-passivating 90W-10Cr coatings on reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel using 90W-7Ni-3Fe interlayers. Journal of Nuclear Materials. 2021, 553: 153029.
[10] Li Chen, Xuefei Huang, Kun He and Hui Wang. Precipitation behavior and age hardening effect of the precipitates in a Fe-13Cr-4Al-2Mo-1.2Nb alloy. Materials Characterization. 2021, 173: 110918.
[11] Hao He, Shuhai Huang, Hui Wang and Xuefei Huang. Isothermal holding processes of a reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel to form a bainitic/martensitic multiphase microstructure and its mechanical properties. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2021, 822: 141645.
[12] Hao He, Hui Wang, Kun He, Xue Liang and Xuefei Huang. Comparative study on the microstructure and mechanical properties of a modified 9Cr–2WVTa steel by normalizing-tempering and quenching-partitioning treatments. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2021, 800: 140364.
[13] Xuefei Huang, Hui Wang, Shaoyu Qiu, Yiyong Zhang, Kun He and Boda Wu. Cold-rolling & annealing process for nuclear grade wrought FeCrAl cladding alloy to enhance the strength and ductility. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2020, 277: 116434.
[14] B. D. Wu, X. Liu, J. F. Li, Y. Z. Zhou, X. S. Yang, X. F. Huang and G. M. Le. Tungsten-chromium coatings on reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steels prepared by laser melting deposition process. Journal of Nuclear Materials. 2020, 152573.
[1] Dingbo Sun, Hui Wang, Xuguang An, Gaixia Wang, Shuhai Huang and Xuefei Huang. Quantitative evaluation of the contribution of carbide-free bainite, lath martensite, and retained austenite on the mechanical properties of C-Mn-Si high-strength steels. Materials Characterization. 2023, 199: 112802.
[2] Dingbo Sun, Shuhai Huang, Chongmu Chen, Hui Wang, Xuguang An, Qiangguo Li and Xuefei Huang. Enhancement of the Mechanical Properties of a V–Ti–N Microalloyed Steel Treated by a Novel Precipitation-Quenching & Partitioning Process. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 2022.
[3] Qiangguo Li, Xuefei Huang and Weigang Huang. Fatigue property and microstructure deformation behavior of multiphase microstructure in a medium-carbon bainite steel under rolling contact condition. International Journal of Fatigue. 2019, 125: 381-393.
[4] Qiangguo Li, Xuefei Huang and Weigang Huang. Strain hardening behavior and deformation characteristics of multiphase microstructure in a medium-carbon quenching and partitioning bainitic steel. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2017, 707: 199-206.
[5] Xuefei Huang, Wenli Liu, Yuyin Huang, Hu Chen and Weigang Huang. Effect of a quenching-long partitioning treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of a 0.2 C% bainitic steel. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2015, 222: 181-187.
[1] Fanglei Hu, Guomin Han, Baoqin Fu, Tang Shi and Xuefei Huang. An elastoplastic phase-field study of the precipitation behaviors of Mg17Al12 phase in Mg-Al-Based alloys: Part I. Modeling and the role of plasticity. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2023, 955: 170242.
[2] Fanglei Hu, Guomin Han, Baoqin Fu, Tang Shi and Xuefei Huang. An elastoplastic phase-field study of the precipitation behaviors of Mg17Al12 phase in Mg-Al-based alloys: Part II. Precipitation under various loadings. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2023, 962: 171178.
[3] Xuefei Huang, Baoqin Fu and Weigang Huang. Newly observed irrational crystallographic features of non-basal Mg2Sn precipitates in a Mg-4Sn alloy aged at 160 °C. Journal of Materials Science & Technology. 2021, 77: 237-243.
[4] Xuefei Huang, Li Chen and Hui Wang. Characterization and Interpretation of the Multiple Crystallographic Features of ε’ Precipitates in an Ag-Containing Mg-Sn Alloy. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 2020,51A:2002-2010..
[5] Xuefei Huang and Weigang Huang. Irrational crystallography of the (1 1 -2 0)Mg Mg2Sn precipitates in an aged Mg-Sn-Mn alloy. Materials Characterization. 2019, 151: 260-266.
[6] Wandong Li, Xuefei Huang and Weigang Huang. Effects of Ca, Ag addition on the microstructure and age-hardening behavior of a Mg-7Sn (wt%) alloy. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2017, 692: 75-80.